Character Strengths
At LJES, we're supporting students' development of character strengths (here's an introduction, if you're interested). Each month, we're targeting one character strength as a school-wide focus. Below, we've listed the character strength of the month, which is accompanied by a PDF of a pdf of resources you can use to support your child's development of the particular character strength. Here's the entire character strength presentation.
Self-Regulation & Self-Control: being aware of our thoughts/feelings/actions, making sure they match the situation around us, and changing them to make sure that they are appropriate for the situation.
Growth Mindset: understanding that out talents and abilities can be developed through effort and persistence and that we can get "smarter" if we work at it; knowing that it's okay if we don't get it "yet," because with persistence and an open mind, we will get it.
Gratitude: the appreciation for the benefits we receive from others, and the desire to reciprocate; the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation and to return kindness.
Grit/Perseverance: having bravery, spirit, determination, endurance, spunk, and perseverance, which means sticking with something despite barriers, obstacles, challenges, difficulties, and discouragement that may arise.
Curiosity: a strong desire to learn or know something; a search for information for its own sake.
Kindness: the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.
Social Intelligence: being able to recognize others' emotions, understanding how they are feeling, and responding in an appropriate way - an awareness of the motives and feelings of other people, knowing how to fit into different social situations, and being able to put others at ease.
Zest: having or showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval; having vitality - an approach to life that is filled with excitement and energy.
Hope: the feeling of wanting soemthing to happen, thinking it could happen, and having a sense of agency that one can make it happen; having optimism and believing that we can shape our future.